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In the Users window, you can grant the school staff access to the system. The list of users contains staff members who have a lever security level than you (see Roles below). In order to change your own access data go to the Profile settings.

This window cannot be used to give access to students, teachers and customers. They have to register first and then contact the school to enable their access to the school's data.

Email Email address used to sign in and to send emails. The email address is case-sensitive.
Nick name The system refers to you by this name.
Role User role, which determines what tasks the user is authorized to perform. The user role values are the following in ascending secuirty level order:
1. Head teacher: Can see all courses and course administration except their financial data. The purpose of this role is to enable monitoring the professional work of teachers.
2. Staff: Can perform all tasks except for changing settings and the special tasks of the Office manager and the Boss.
3. Office manager: Can do everything that Staff can do. In addition the Office manager can change settings, temporarily set courses into earlier states, and add and delete users with Staff privileges.
4. Boss: Can do everything that the Office manager can do. The Boss can also see financial statistics and add or delete any user. There must be at least one user with Boss privileges, so the last one cannot be deleted.
User interfaceUser interface language for the user
CompanySpecify here the companies whose courses and data the user has access to. If no company is specified then the user can see all companies' data.
Default companyThe company that should be selected by default (in case there are more companies). This company will be for example the default company on the Payment dialog when you create a new payment.
Default payment seriesDefault payment series for the user (in case there are more series). This series will be selected on the Payment dialog when you create a new payment.
Cash register nameName of the cash register, which will also appear on the printed receipt.
This setting is only available if separate cash registers are used by school staff users. It is only relevant if Invoice™ is used.
Cash receipt ID formatThe ID format of the cash register. This format will override the default setting in Invoice™, thus is is suitable to indicate on the receipts the staff user who has created it. A description of ID formats is available in the Invoice™ help.
This setting is only available if separate cash registers are used by school staff users. It is only relevant if Invoice™ is used.
ActiveOnly active users can log in to the system. Deactivate users for example who are no employees anymore.

Use the buttons to edit the data in the list.

When a new user is added the user receives an email containing a new password. Use the Reset password button reset the user's password and send the new password to the User.

Note: Users can also reset their password individually on the Login page by choosing Forgot password.

en/staff/settings/users.1619514850.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/04/27 11:14 by balazs