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Start | School staff | Settings | Students | Discounts


Discount is a parameter of the students, which is applied in courses where the student participates. In the Discounts window you specify various discount options, which can be chosen from.

When signing up a student to a course, the discount is automatically calculated from the course fee - if the fee is specified. This only applies to courses where the student pays the fee. Only one discount can apply to a student.

The discount parameters are the following:

Field Description
Name Multilingual name of the discount
Type Fix amount: The discount for courses is a fix amount.
Percent: The discount is a percentage of the courses fee.
Amount Discount amount, which is either a mouney amount or a percentage depending on the value of the Type field.
Currency Currency of the discount, if Fix amount is chosen for the Type field. The discount is only applied if its currency is the same as the currency of the course's student fee.
Returning student Applies to students who have already attended courses earlier. There can be only one Returning student discount.
Active Checked if the discount option can still be selected when entering student data.

Students with discounts are indicated by displaying the icon in front of their name.

Use the buttons to edit the data in the list.

en/staff/settings/discounts.txt · Last modified: 2021/05/23 15:51 by balazs