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Ledger numbers

In the Ledger numbers window you can defined ledger number values that your accountant's bookkeeping system uses to categorize your revenues and expenses. The Ledger numbers are assigned to Products. Invoice(trade) is able to export your invoices to external bookkeeping systems together with the ledger numbers of the invoice items. Thus by using Invoice(trade) your accountant can receive your invoice items with ledger numbers already assigned.

Ledger numbers have the following fields:

Field Description
Name Multilingual name of the ledger value
Type Type of the ledger number, which can be Expense, Revenue and Cash transaction. This value influences for which product the ledger number can be set.
Code Ledger number code. This value is relevant if you transfer your invoices to your accountant' bookkeeping software. It should get the value that your accountant uses to categorize revenues and expenses.

Use the buttons to edit the data in the list.

en/staff/settings/ledger_numbers.txt · Last modified: 2021/05/23 15:48 by balazs