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Start | School staff | Settings | Finance | Cost centers

Cost centers

In the Cost centers window you can defined values for business units. Courses can belong to a cost center and the financial results of cost centers can be displayed in Sales reports.

Cost centers have the following fields:

Field Description
Name Multilingual name of the cost center
Code Cost center code. This is an optional value, which is relevant if your school is also an agent that offers courses of other schools as well. During application students can choose from a list of available courses, which can be pre-filtered by cost centers (for example 'junior courses'). Filtering is done using the filtered cost centers' code. Thus also courses which you are the agent of with matching cost center are listed.

Use the buttons to edit the data in the list.

en/staff/settings/cost_centers.txt · Last modified: 2021/05/23 15:48 by balazs