School network settings
School settings
Student settings
Course settings
Teacher settings
Finance settings
Other settings
School network settings
School settings
Student settings
Course settings
Teacher settings
Finance settings
Other settings
This is an old revision of the document!
The Tasks window contains the tasks to be completed during the courses by default. Tasks may be performed by the school staff, the teacher, or the system.
You can override the default tasks if you specify a program for the course that has tasks defined for its modules. If no program is specified for the course, the tasks specified in the course's Tasks window.
It is a good practice to specify tasks for your licensed courses on course program level and the tasks for all your other courses here.
During long courses, certain tasks need to be performed more than once: for example, you need to write a test regularly. The course's Task cycle parameter defines how frequently recurring tasks need to be performed. For shorter courses this can be the length of the course. For courses with a program, the module length determines the recurrence.
Tasks have the following parameters:
Field | Description |
Count from | Tasks are executed after a course lesson. The Count from parameter specifies whether the counting should start at the beginning or end of the unit. |
After lesson | The number of lessons after which the task is to be performed, taking into account where the count starts from. For example, if the value is 4 and the unit has 40 lessons, then it is 4 hours from the beginning and 36 hours from the end. |
Recurring | You can choose whether the task is repeated cyclically or performed only once at the beginning or end of the course. For example, test writing is typically recurring, and the course is archived once at the end. |
Type | Task to be performed, see description below. |
Use the
buttons to edit the data in the list.
The following are the task types:
Type | Description |
Initial reporting | Indicates that initial reporting is required for the course. This is typically required for licensed courses, so it is often a task in programs. The Inbox tab lists under Initial reporting needed the courses for which this task has not yet been completed. |
Student feedback | The system automatically send an email to the students requesting feedback on the course. The survey to be completed is a parameter of the course. |
Test | The teachers should write a test with students. The task is on the teacher's calendar. |
Evaluation | The Teacher need to write an evaluation of the students. The task is in the teacher's calendar and is on the teacher’s To-do list. |
Who continues? | Teachers indicate which student will continue a follow up course when the current one is finished. The task is shown in the teachers' calendar. Teachers can indicate in the student list which student will continue and enter a reason for those who will not. |
Certificate | Certificates must be issued for the course and given to the students. This is typically required for licensed courses, so it is worth adding it as task for the programs. |
Final reporting | Indicates that final reporting is required for the course. This is typically required for licensed courses, so it is often a task in programs. The Inbox tab lists under Final reporting needed the courses for which this task has not yet been completed. |
Archive course | Indicates to the school staff that the course documentation needs to be archived. The Inbox tab lists under Time to complete the courses that can be set to Completed state. |