School network settings
School settings
Student settings
Course settings
Teacher settings
Finance settings
Other settings
School network settings
School settings
Student settings
Course settings
Teacher settings
Finance settings
Other settings
This is an old revision of the document!
The Schools window lists your schools. A school has the following fields:
Field | Description |
Name | Official name of the school as it appears in documents. |
Short name | Abbreviated name of the school |
Privacy policy URL | Web address of the school's privacy policy. Use the [[language]] notation in the URL to let the system paste the language abbreviation (like 'en' for English) into the URL when opening it. |
ToS URL | Web address of the school's terms of service. Use the [[language]] notation in the URL to let the system paste the language abbreviation (like 'en' for English) into the URL when opening it. |
Edit time frame | Specify here in hours how much time teachers have by default after a lesson to fill in the progress sheet - after this time they are not able to fill it in by themselves only with help from the school. This setting can also be defined for each teacher individually. |
Late cancel time frame | Specify here in hours how much time customers have before a lesson to cancel them without having to pay for them. Customers can cancel lessons via the system and depending on when they do it it will be a normal or a late cancellation. |
Expected attendance | Specify here the percentage of attendance that is acceptable from the students. A usage of this might be to give certificates only to students who were present at eg. 80% of the lessons (for more information go to Student attendance). |
Use invoice™ | Use the internal Invoice system for invoices by default. This setting can be overridden on course level or for each new invoice. |
Room availability check | The system checks before creating or moving a lesson whether the room is available where the lesson should be. If not then it lists the available rooms from which can be chosen. If teachers want to change the lesson's time and this setting is active then the system automatically looks for the smallest room with the right size and assigns that to the lesson. |
Paste syllabus | If the syllabus for a course is specified the progress sheet can be filled in by copying the syllabus automatically. With this setting the progress sheet will be already filled when the teacher starts registering a lesson. |
A new school can be added by clicking on the button, an existing school can be updated using
or by double-clicking the row. With the
button a school can be removed. Use the
button or click anywhere next to the edited row to save it. The list can be reloaded using the