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Course programs

A course program is an educational unit that has a start level and a target level, which is reached in a fixed amount of lessons. A program consists of sub units called modules, which also have a start and target levels and amount of lessons. Modules of a program can run one after the other or in parallel. Programs can have licenses granted by the educational authorities and result in a certificate for the student.

In the Course program you can define the programs and their modules and the tasks that need to be performeed

Programs have the following parameters:

Field Description
Name Multilingual name of the program (like 'Kids program')
Type Type of the course for which the program is applicable
Subject Subject of the course for which the program is applicable
Licensed Indicates whether the program has a license from the authorities. This is important because some automatic settings for course parameters depend on this. Licensed programs can only be applied to courses which are also licensed.
Title Program title, which can be printed on documents like certificates
Course name prefix The name of the course will start with this prefix in case this program is set for the course.
Code Program code, which can be printed on documents like certificates
Valid from Validity start of the program. The program can be chosen for courses starting after this date.
Valid until Validity end of the program. The program can be chosen for courses starting before this date.

A new program can be added by clicking on the button, an existing program can be updated using or by double-clicking the row. With the button a program can be removed. Use the button or click anywhere next to the edited row to save it. The list can be reloaded using the button.

Program modules

Program modules are the sub-units of programs. They have the following parameters:

Field Description
Name Name of the module (like A1.1, A1.2 for languages)
Code Code of the education option.
Theory / Contact lessons Number of contact theory lessons.
Theory / Self-study lessons Number of self-study theory lessons.
Practice / Contact lessons Number of contact practice lessons.
Practice / Self-study lessons Number of self-study practice lessons.
Start score Starting score of the module. The score scale is between 0 and 640 and indicates the starting knowledge level of the module (for more info see Levels)
End score End score of the module. The score scale is between 0 and 640 and indicates the targeted knowledge level after completing the module (for more info see Levels)

Use the buttons at the bottom of the list to add, change, remove, save and refresh the modules.

Program tasks

The tasks to be performed in course of a program can be set here. These tasks overwrite the default school level tasks. The recurring tasks are repeated for each module.

The program tasks have the following parameters

Field Description
Count from Tasks are executed after a course lesson. The Count from parameter specifies whether the counting should start at the beginning or end of the unit.
After lesson The number of lessons after which the task is to be performed, taking into account where the count starts from. For example, if the value is 4 and the unit has 40 lessons, then it is 4 hours from the beginning and 36 hours from the end.
Recurring You can choose whether the task is repeated cyclically or performed only once at the beginning or end of the course. For example, test writing is typically recurring, and the course is archived once at the end.
Type Task to be performed, for a description of the task types go to Task types

Use the buttons at the bottom of the list to add, change, remove, save and refresh the tasks.

en/staff/settings/programs.1619425777.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/04/26 10:29 by balazs