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Course expenses

In the Course expenses window you can specify expense types that you can assign to courses (like travel, rent, course material, etc). Teacher rates should not be added because they are accounted for separately.

Course expenses can be assigned to courses in the a) Expenses window of the Leads sub-tab on the Sales tab or b) the Expenses window of the Courses tab.
The system also tracks here, which expense was already invoiced. This is possible because in invoices with course expense invoice items also the course has to be specified which the expense belongs next to the invoice item.

Course expenses have the following parameters:

Field Description
Name Multilingual name of the job type
Product The product to be used on expense invoices for the course expense.

Use the buttons to edit the data in the list.

en/staff/settings/course_expenses.1620284661.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/05/06 09:04 by balazs