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Settings | Students | Course documents

Student's course documents

Course documents are documents that are stored for a course per student.

These documents are used abroad study courses where the school providing the course abroad, the agent (who facilitates the foreign study for study for the student), the student and the student's sponsor all need access to the student's documents. Each party can upload documents themselves. The agent acts as coordinator who can validate new documents and allows publishing to the other parties.

One of the documents, the Pre-course confirmation document has a special role. It is used by the course provider to approve a student's application. The system can generate it automatically in PDF format by merging the printed Student course acceptance template containing the student's application data and the course's introduction file if that was uploaded for the course.

The course documents has the following parameters:

Field Description
Name Multilingual name of the document
Role Role of the document. Currently there is one option available, which is Pre-course confirmation. For all other document types leave this field empty.
Active Whether the document should be selectable when entering data.

Use the buttons to edit the data in the list.

en/staff/settings/course_documents.1621776536.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/05/23 15:28 by balazs