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A company in SchoolDrive is a company that exists in real life and which is used to administrate the financials of the school. More companies can belong to a school and it is possible to administrate certain courses and activities via one company while other courses via another company. In the Companies window you can enter your company data.

SchoolDrive Invoice™ is a standalone invoicing application which SchoolDrive communicates with. In the Companies window you can set up companies in Invoice™ and link your company in SchoolDrive with the one in Invoice™ to allow automatic communication between the applications.

The Companies window is devided into the following sections:

Company listThe list of companies on the right
Company dataDetails of the company selected in the company list
Bank accountsSpecify the bank account details of the selected company here if you have more than one bank account. You will be able to select the bank account when you create an invoice and this information will appear in the Seller section of the invoice as the bank information.
ProfilesSpecify here information that you want to print in the Seller section of the invoice in addition to the default information on the invoices. You will be able to select the appropriate profile when you create an invoice.
Invoice™ loginEmail address and password to be used when creating accounts in Invoice™. The login information you use for creating your first company in Invoice™ will be the one the system uses to access Invoice™ for all your companies. You can your login data in Invoice™ and then update it here.

Company list

The list of your companies. The list has the following fields:

Company nameAbbreviated name of the company. The icon before the name indicates that the company is linked with a company in Invoice™.
DefaultWhether this is your default company (only one can be the default). If no value is defined in lists in the application where the company has to be specified the default one will be used.
ActiveOnly active companies can be chosen from when entering new data into the system.

A new company can be added by clicking on the button, an existing company can be updated using or by double-clicking the row. To remove a company use . Save a row using or click anywhere next to the edited row to save it. The list can be reloaded using the button.

Create and connect a company with the New Invoice™ login button in Invoice™. The connection with companies that were already connected can be tested by clicking on the button. Before using make sure that the Invoice™ email and password fields are filled in correctly.

After creating a company in Invoice™, the parameters of the company and the invoices still need to be set separately in Invoice™.

Company data

The Company data form displays the company's data that is selected in the Company list. The form's data can be modified and the changes are automatically saved after we stop typing.

The meaning of most fields in the form are self-explaining. The other fields are:

Logo URLThe web address to your logo. Your logo should be uploaded to web page and you need to provide the link to it here.
Facebook IDOnly your ID is needed not the full Facebook URL (
Instagram IDOnly your ID is needed not the full Facebook URL (
Statistics no.Optional value, in some countries this is an official ID
Institute IDOptional value, in some countries the system can provide automatic statistical reports to the government and this ID identifies the school.
Filler IDOptional value, in some countries the system can provide automatic statistical reports to the government and this ID the employee of the school who provides the data.
Bank transfer colorColor of new invoices that have bank transfer defined as payment term. The color might be used to mark the invoices that are not paid yet. Using Invoice™ gives you the opportunity to deal with receivables in a more sophisticated way.
Use Invoice™Use the internal Invoice™ system for invoices by default. This setting can be overridden on course level or for each new invoice.
Separate cash registersUse only one cash register for the company or should all school staff users have their own cash register

Invoice account

The email address and the password needed for login to Invoice™ can be specified here.

When they are not specified and you create your first Invoice ™ company, the same access information information will be used as for SchoolDrive. Then the Invoice™ email address and the password fields will be filled with these values.

If we change the access information in Invoice™, it must be changed here as well. In this case, you may want to test the connection with Invoice™.


Kiválaszthatjuk a Beállítások/Iskolahálózat/Vállalatok/Cégnév útvonalon, hogy a vállalathoz tartozó melyik cég adatait szeretnénk szerkeszteni. Kijelölés után a jobb oldalon megjelenő Cégadatok ablakban láthatóak a Vállalat paraméterei:

Név A vállalat hivatalos neve.
Rövid név A vállalat rövidített elnevezése.
Aláírásra jogosult Az aláírásra jogosult személy neve.
Elérhetőség A vállalat telefon/fax/email elérhetősége.
Cím A vállalat hivatalos címe.
Webcímek A online elérhető nyilvános felületei: Weboldal/Logo URL(innen tudják a Sablonok is behívni a logót)/Facebook/Instagram.
Cégadatok A vállalat Cégjegyzékszáma/Adószáma/KSH száma.
OSAP intézményi azonosítószáma Az Országos Statisztikai Adatszolgáltató Programban kapott azonosítószám. Az oldalra belépve, az 'XML - felolvasás' gombra kattintva megjeleníti az intezmeny_id value:“xxxxxxx” értéket, az ékezetek közötti számsor lesz az Intézményi azonosító.
OSAP kitöltő azonosítószáma Az Országos Statisztikai Adatszolgáltató Programban kapott azonosítószám. Az oldalra belépve, az 'XML - felolvasás ' gombra kattintva megjeleníti a kitolto_id value:“xxxxxx” értéket, az ékezetek közötti számsor lesz az Kitöltő azonosító.
Invoice használata Szeretnénk-e használni a SchoolDrive beépített számlázóját.
Alapértelmezett Kiválasztható, hogy melyik vállalatot töltse be alapértelmezettként.
Aktív Aktív vagy inaktív státuszba helyezhetjük a vállalatokat.

Új vállalatot az Új vállalat gombra kattintással lehet felvenni, míg meglévőt a gombbal lehet szerkeszteni, illetve a gombbal törölni. gombbal menthető a szerkesztés alatt álló sor, gombbal pedig frissíthető a lista.

A Új Invoice hozzáférés gombbal lehet a felvett vállalatoknak hozzáférést biztosítani a beépített számlázórendszerhez. Ehhez a következő vállalati adatokra lesz szükség:

  • Cégnév
  • Rövid név
  • Adószám
  • Országbeállítás
  • Email
  • Becenév
  • Kezelői felület nyelve

A Invoice tesztelése ikonra kattintva tesztelhető a számlázás.

en/staff/settings/companies.1619073753.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/04/22 08:42 by balazs