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Template fields

The following table contains fields that are predefined fields used in templates. The different template types recognize different set of fields. The value of the fields will be filled in when the document is printed. Inserted fields into the template using the or the buttons ins the editor's toolbar.

The following tables list frequent fields that are present in several templates.

School fields

Field name Sample Description
company_nameSample school BV.School's name
company_short_nameSample Abbreviated name of the school
company_phone+32 (1) 589-6969School's phone number
company_fax+32 (1) 442-4132School's fax number
company_emailinfo@sample-school.huSchool's email address
company_homepagewww.sample-school.huSchool's homepage URL
company_logo“samplelogo.png” image fileSchool's logo image
company_streetSample straat 9/bStreet and house no part of the school's address
company_zip1000Zip / postal code part of the school's address
company_cityBruxellesCity part of the school's address
company_countryBelgiumCountry part of the school's address
company_registration_no5468795-2-3School's registration number
company_tax_no13456665-2-24 School's tax number
company_representativeJone DoeName of the school's representative
company_licenseE-000358/2014 Educational license number of the school

Student fields

Field name Sample Description
student_nameDoe, JohnName of the student
student_first_nameJohnFirst name of the student
student_last_nameDoeLast name of the student
student_birth_nameJohn DoeBirth name of the student
student_birthday10/20/1960Date of birth of the student
student_birthday_longOctober 11, 1960Date of birth of the student in long format
student_birthday_year1960Year part of date of birth of the student
student_birthday_month10Month part of date of birth of the student
student_birthday_day20Day part of date of birth of the student
student_birthplaceVenicePlace of birth of the student
student_nationalityitAbbreviation of student's nationality
student_nationality_nameItalianStudent's nationality
student_reason_for_stayTourist/Study/Work etc. Reason for stay of the student abroad
student_mobile+32 30 665 54 44Mobile number of the student
student_gendermaleGender of the student
student_mothers_nameJane DoeMother's name of the student
student_phone+32 (1) 516 5166Landline phone number of the student
student_emailjohn.doe@gmail.comEmail address of the student
student_streetVia Monte Santo 20Street and house no. from student's address
student_zip30171Zip / postal code from student's address
student_cityVeniceCity part from student's address
student_countryItalyCountry part from student's address
student_street2Wetstraat 175Street, house no. from student's stay address
student_zip21048Zip code from student's stay address
student_city2BruxellesCity part from student's stay address
student_country2BelgiumCountry part from student's stay address
student_insurance_no107-658-170Student's insurance number
student_id_nameDriving licenseName of student's ID document
student_id_no190430RAStudent's ID number
student_contact_nameFred DoeContact person for the student
student_contact_details+32 70 503 2540Contact person's contact details
student_mother_tongueItalianStudent's mother tongue
student_work_statusemployeeStudent's work status
student_educationuniversityStudent's highest level of education
student_invoices2018/01730Invoices issued to student by the school
student_paid€300Course fee paid by the student
student_to_pay€200Course fee left to be paid by the student
student_payment_row_comment1806810222Comment to add to student's invoice
student_commentFinal settlement on 20/11Comment added for the student after registering for a course
student_reached_levelB1.1Level reached by the student
student_test_result25Test result of the student
student_joined10/20/2018Date student joined the course
student_exited12/21/2018Date student exited the course

Course fields

Field name Sample Description
course_nameYouth E2.3Name of the course
course_categoryKidsCost center setting of the course
course_start_date10/15/2018Start date of the course
course_start_date_min7October 8, 2018Start date of the course minus 7 days
course_start_date_time1539561600000Start date of the course in milliseconds since midnight Jan 1 1970
course_start_date_longOctober 15, 2018Start date of the course in long format
course_end_date12/23/2018Course end date
course_end_date_longDecember 23, 2018Course end date in long format
course_mid_date11/19/2018Date of course half time
course_mid_date_longNovember 19, 2018Date of course half time in long format
course_exam_date12/20/2018Exam date of the course
course_exam_date_longDecember 20, 2018Exam date of the course in long format
course_is_one_to_one11 if the course is one-to-one, otherwise 0
course_start_levelA2.1Start level of the course
course_start_level_cefrA2Start level of the course using CEFRL
course_target_levelA2.2Target level of the course
course_lesson_count32Number of lessons of the course
course_student_count5Number of students in the course
course_subjectEnglishSubject of the course
course_subject_id24Code of the course subject
course_is_licensed11 if the course is licensed, otherwise 0
course_location_nameSample SchoolName of the course's location
course_location_no9/bHouse number part of the course location address
course_location_streetSample straatStreet part of the course location address
course_location_zip1000Zip code part of the course location address
course_location_cityBruxellesCity part of the course location address
course_location_countryBelgiumCountry part of the course location address
course_timetableWednesday: 09:00-10:30, Friday: 10:15-11:45Course timetable
course_paid_by_student11 if the course is paid by the students, 0 for company courses
course_rate€500Course fee for students or hourly rate for company courses
course_customersSponsoring Ltd.Name of the customers financing the course
course_breaks12/22/20118-01/03/2019Course breaks (due to holiday for example)
course_subsidiesSponsoring Ltd.: 20%Percentage of the fee paid by sponsors that is subsidized.
course_program_nameKids language courseInternal name of the course's program
course_program_titleEnglish C2 1 1 028 – CEFRL C2 levelOfficial title of the course's program
course_program_modulesA2.2 (32 lessons), A2.3 (32 lessons)Program modules the course covers
course_start_moduleA2.2First program module the course covers
course_end_moduleA2.3Last program module the course covers
course_prior_moduleA2.1Program module prior the course
course_payment_row_commentPO 543544334Comment to be automatically added to the invoice row when the course is invoiced
course_syllabus_nameNew English FileName of the course's syllabus

Contract fields

Field name Sample Description
contract_year2018Year when the student contract was signed
contract_no179Number of the course contract. The number restarts every year.
contract_sign_dateNovember 9, 2018Date of signature of the student contract

Certificate fields

Field name Sample Description
certificate_year2018A tanusítvány kiállításának éve
certificate_certificate_no401 / 2018 évA tanusítvány azonosító száma (a tanusítvány sorszámából és a kiállítás évéből áll össze)
certificate_program_moduleA2.2A kurzus szintje a KER/CEFRL szerint
certificate_program_module_lesson_count32 óraA kurzus szintje a KER/CEFRL szerint és a kurzus összóraszáma
certificate_levelA2.2A kurzus által elért szint
en/staff/settings/templates/fields.1621715898.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/05/22 22:38 by balazs