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en:staff:settings:templates:fields [2021/05/22 22:40]
balazs [Contract fields]
en:staff:settings:templates:fields [2021/05/22 22:43] (current)
balazs [Certificate fields]
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 |certificate_year|2018|Year when the certificate was issued| |certificate_year|2018|Year when the certificate was issued|
 |certificate_certificate_no|401|Number of the certificate (the number auto-increments and restarts every year)| |certificate_certificate_no|401|Number of the certificate (the number auto-increments and restarts every year)|
-|certificate_program_module|A2.2|A kurzus szintje a KER/CEFRL szerint+|certificate_program_module|A2.2|Name of the program module whose completion is proven by the certificate
-|certificate_program_module_lesson_count|32 ​óra|A kurzus szintje a KER/CEFRL szerint és a kurzus összóraszáma+|certificate_program_module_lesson_count|32 ​lessons|Number of lessons of the program module that was completed
-|certificate_level|A2.2|A kurzus által elért szint|+|certificate_level|A2.2|Level reached according to the certificate|
en/staff/settings/templates/fields.1621716010.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/05/22 22:40 by balazs