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en:staff:settings:syllabi [2021/05/23 17:05]
balazs [Unit contents as checklist]
en:staff:settings:syllabi [2021/05/23 17:05] (current)
balazs [Unit contents as checklist]
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 If a checklist type syllabus is assigned to the course then an extra //Topics field// is shown on the //Progress tab// of the [[en:​staff:​courses:​sessions#​course_session_window|Course session window]] where the teacher can select the topics that were covered during the session. If a checklist type syllabus is assigned to the course then an extra //Topics field// is shown on the //Progress tab// of the [[en:​staff:​courses:​sessions#​course_session_window|Course session window]] where the teacher can select the topics that were covered during the session.
-Select the Checklist tab on the right to define the syllabus as a checklist. First add categories using the {{:​add_folder.png?​nolink}} //New category// button and then insert topics using the {{:​add_unit.png?​nolink}} //New topics// button. Topics do not have to be necessarily in categories. Use the {{:​edit.png?​nolink}} {{:​remove.png?​nolink}} {{:​save.png?​nolink}} ​ {{:​refresh.png?​nolink}} buttons on top of the checklist listto [[en:​intro:​ui#​list_editing|edit the data in the checklist list]]. The categories and topics can also be reordered using drag-drop.+Select the Checklist tab on the right to define the syllabus as a checklist. First add categories using the {{:​add_folder.png?​nolink}} //New category// button and then insert topics using the {{:​add_unit.png?​nolink}} //New topics// button. Topics do not have to be necessarily in categories. 
 +Use the {{:​edit.png?​nolink}} {{:​remove.png?​nolink}} {{:​save.png?​nolink}} ​ {{:​refresh.png?​nolink}} buttons on top of the checklist listto [[en:​intro:​ui#​list_editing|edit the data in the checklist list]]. The categories and topics can also be reordered using drag-drop.
 The category and topic names are [[en:​intro:​glossary#​multilingual_names|multilingual]]. They can be translated in the //​Translations list// below the checklist, which has its own toolbar with the {{:​add.png?​nolink}} {{:​edit.png?​nolink}} {{:​remove.png?​nolink}} {{:​save.png?​nolink}} ​ {{:​refresh.png?​nolink}} under the list to manipulate its contents. The category and topic names are [[en:​intro:​glossary#​multilingual_names|multilingual]]. They can be translated in the //​Translations list// below the checklist, which has its own toolbar with the {{:​add.png?​nolink}} {{:​edit.png?​nolink}} {{:​remove.png?​nolink}} {{:​save.png?​nolink}} ​ {{:​refresh.png?​nolink}} under the list to manipulate its contents.
en/staff/settings/syllabi.1621782303.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/05/23 17:05 by balazs