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en:coursesabroad:new_course [2019/10/25 10:41]
balazs [Add a template course]
— (current)
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-====== Add a new course ====== 
-This section describes the steps for creating a new course. 
-First, make sure that your settings are up-to-date. Then add the course specific information. The steps are slightly different for adding a template course (course with multiple occurrences) and adding a single course. 
-===== Enter your settings first ===== 
-This step is only necessary the first time you start using the system or if your settings have changed. For this go to the [[en:​coursesabroad:​settings:​start|Settings tab]] and open the setting windows one by one using the {{:​staff:​settings.png?​noling}} //Select options// button. 
-  - Enter your school'​s data in the [[en:​coursesabroad:​settings:​school|School Settings]] window. 
-  - Enter your contact information in the [[en:​coursesabroad:​settings:​contacts|Contacts Settings]] window. 
-  - Enter your school locations in the [[en:​coursesabroad:​settings:​locations|Location Settings]] window. 
-  - Enter the transfer options you offer in the [[en:​coursesabroad:​settings:​transfers|Transfer Settings]] window. 
-  - Enter your accommodation offerings in the [[en:​coursesabroad:​settings:​accommodation|Accommodation]] window. 
-  - Enter your supplement options in the [[en:​coursesabroad:​settings:​supplements|Supplements]] window. 
-===== Add a template course ===== 
-If the course runs on multiple occasions, chose //'​Course template'//​ as course //Type//. 
-  - First click on the {{:​add.png?​nolink||}} //New// button in the [[en:​coursesabroad:​courses:​properties|Course properties]] section and enter the course data. Select //Course template// for the //Type// field. Then save the form by clicking on the {{:​save.png?​nolink||}} //Save// button. 
-  - Add applicable supplements in the [[en:​coursesabroad:​courses:​supplements|Supplements]] window on the right. 
-  - Add all possible course schedules in the [[en:​coursesabroad:​courses:​schedule|Schedule]] window on the right. 
-===== Add a single course ===== 
-If the course you enter is a one-date course (eg a Teacher training course with one date only), then create a course with '​Single course entry’ as type. 
-  - First click on the {{:​add.png?​nolink||}} //New// button in the [[en:​coursesabroad:​courses:​properties|Course properties]] section and enter the course data. Select //Single course entry// for the //Type// field. Then save the form by clicking on the {{:​save.png?​nolink||}} //Save// button. 
-  - Add all course fee options in the [[en:​coursesabroad:​courses:​fees|Course fees]] window on the right. 
-  - Add applicable supplements in the [[en:​coursesabroad:​courses:​supplements|Supplements]] window on the right. 
-===== Video ===== 
-The above steps can be seen in this video which uses sample data: 
en/coursesabroad/new_course.1571992869.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/10/25 10:41 by balazs