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en:staff:settings:surveys [2021/05/21 11:39] balazs [Fill-in-the-gap] |
— (current) | ||
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- | ====== Surveys ====== | ||
- | |||
- | You can define here the surveys that are used in the system. Surveys consist of several questions with answers that are automatically evaluated. The questions are grouped by pages. Surveys have different roles in the system, they are used for example for placement tests or teacher assessment. | ||
- | |||
- | The //Surveys window// is split into the following sections: [[#survey_list|Survey list]], [[#survey_properties|Survey properties]], [[#pages_and_questions_list|Pages and Questions list]], the [[#answers_list|Answers list]] and the [[#translations_window|Translations window]]. | ||
- | |||
- | The pages, questions and answers can be defined in [[en:intro:glossary#multilingual_names|in multiple languages]] using the [[#translations_window|Translations window]]. Use the //Show Translation// list in the header of the //Surveys window// to select the language in which you want to see the survey while editing. | ||
- | |||
- | ===== Surveys list ===== | ||
- | |||
- | In the Surveys list you can create your surveys. The other sections of the Surveys window belong to a survey in the Surveys list and refresh when another item is selected in this list. | ||
- | |||
- | The Surveys list has the following fields: | ||
- | |||
- | ^Field ^Description ^ | ||
- | |**Code** |Text field by which the survey is identified by the system. It has to be unique for each survey except for placement test type surveys.\\ In case of placement tests surveys: surveys for the different course subject can have the same code. During the placement process the student is able to select the course subject and the appropriate survey will be presented to the student.| | ||
- | |**Title** |[[en:intro:glossary#multilingual_names|Multilingual title]] of the survey. Click on this field and edit its translations in the [[#translations_window|Translations window]].| | ||
- | |**Type** |Surveys can have the following types:\\ __Course requirements__ is used to add standardized extra information to a course, which can appear in a [[en:staff:courses:survey|Survey window]] of the [[en:staff:courses:start|Courses tab]].\\ __Customer data__ is used to add standardized extra information to a customer, which can be edited in the [[en:staff:customers#survey_window|Survey window]] of the [[en:staff:customers|Customers tab]]\\ __Feedback request__ is used to get feedback from students on a course. The feedback can be requested in an email using the {{:thumb_up.png?nolink}} //Feedback request// button in the header of the [[en:staff:courses:students|Students window]] in the [[en:staff:courses:start|Courses tab]] or by defining and publishing a URL (see [[#set_survey_link|Set survey link]]).\\ __Lesson observation__ is used to assess teachers by filling out a survey about the findings.\\ __Placement test__ is used to assess students' knowledge level. Define and publish a URL to make this survey available to them (see [[#set_survey_link|Set survey link]]).| | ||
- | |||
- | Use the {{:add.png?nolink}} {{:edit.png?nolink}} {{:remove.png?nolink}} {{:save.png?nolink}} {{:refresh.png?nolink}} buttons on the toolbar at the bottom of the list to [[en:intro:ui#list_editing|edit the data in the list]]. | ||
- | |||
- | The {{:view.png?nolink}} in the toolbar can be used to preview the selected survey. | ||
- | |||
- | Use the {{:link.png?nolink}} //Link// button to create a URL to make the survey available to the public. Clicking on this URL starts the survey for the user and collects its data. This feature is currently used for surveys with a type of //Feedback request// or //Placement test//. The filled in responses are collected in the Feedback and Applications branches of the [[en:staff:inbox|Inbox tab]]. | ||
- | |||
- | ==== Set survey link ==== | ||
- | |||
- | In the Set survey link window you can set parameters for //placement test// and //feedback request// type surveys that you want to display to the public. By setting these parameters additional information will be displayed and requested before and after the survey pages from students. The generated URL can be published to the students by placing the link on your web site or by sending this link to the students by email. | ||
- | |||
- | The window consists of the Saved links window and the Parameters section. | ||
- | |||
- | === Saved links list === | ||
- | |||
- | In the //Saved links window// use the {{:add.png?nolink}} {{:remove.png?nolink}} and {{:refresh.png?nolink}} buttons to create a name for the set parameters. The saved parameter set can be updated by selecting an item in the list and then clicking on the {{:save.png?nolink}} //Save link// button. | ||
- | |||
- | === Link parameters === | ||
- | |||
- | Links have the following parameters: | ||
- | |||
- | ^ Field ^ Description ^ | ||
- | |**Default user interface** | __Language:__ Select the default language of the survey. The student will be able to change this setting while filling in the survey.\\ __Inline / popup:__ Choose inline if the survey should expand the whole space available in the browser window. Choose Popup to display the survey in a popup window in the browser.\\ __Formal speach:__ Check if formal speech is to be used in the survey.| | ||
- | | **Displayed student fields** | Select the student fields that should be displayed to the student in the beginning of the survey and for which input is required.| | ||
- | | **Displayed student application fields** | Select the application fields that should be displayed to the student in the beginning of the survey:\\ __Availability:__ Week calendar where the student can select the days and times he/she wants to study.\\ __Comments:__ comments field\\ __Company:__ name of the company that sponsors the study. This field can also have a predefined value, see //Default company// below. \\ __Course type:__ Students can choose from the default course types the type they want to attend. \\ __Intensity:__ Preferred course intensities chosen from [[en:staff:settings:intensities|the predefined course intensities]]. \\ __Lessons:__ Preferred course length chosen from [[en:staff:settings:lesson_counts|the predefined course lesson counts]].\\ __Location:__ Selectable locations chosen from [[en:staff:settings:locations|the predefined locations]]\\ __Start date:__ Date range for the preferred course start.\\ __Type:__ Preferred cost center of the course chosen from [[en:staff:settings:cost_centers|the predefined cost centers]].\\ __Subject:__ Course subject that belongs to the selected course type.| | ||
- | | **Visible sections** | Choose which of the following sections should be displayed during student application:\\ __Written test:__ If checked a page asking the student whether he/she wants to fill in the survey is displayed followed by the survey's pages with the questions. If it is not checked then the survey can be simply used to collect the student's personal data.\\ __Spokent test:__ If checked a page is displayed after the written test with available dates and times for spoken placement tests. The available times are defined by teachers who can perform placement tests in their calendar as //Available time// The selected time will be scheduled in the teacher's calendar.\\ __Course selection:__ A list of courses the applicant select from that match the knowledge level of the the written test's result and the criterion selected below. | | ||
- | | **Selectable course status** | //Course state// filter for the courses that are displayed when the //Course selection section// is displayed.| | ||
- | | **Selectable course types** | Only the selected //Course type// and //Course subject// values will be displayed for these //Displayed student application fields//.| | ||
- | | **Selectable cost centers** | Only the selected //Cost center// values will be displayed for the Type field (see //Displayed student application fields//).| | ||
- | | **Selectable locations** | Only the selected //Location// values will be displayed for the //Location field// (see //Displayed student application fields//).| | ||
- | | **Default company** | Enter the student's company name here. This will be displayed in the survey (if this student application field is displayed) and the incoming application, so you can easily identify the applications belonging to the same company upon receipt.| | ||
- | | **Notification email** |Select the [[:en:staff:settings:templates|email template]] from the drop-down menu that the student should receive when he reaches the last page of the application.| | ||
- | | **Customer policy to approve** | Select the customer policy students need to approve before filling in the survey. You can choose from the Policy web addresses that is filled in for the customers in the their Customer data window. Note: selecting this option is useful if you send this survey to only the customer whose policy you select here.| | ||
- | |**School** | Select here the [[:en:staff:settings:schools|school]] to which the filled in survey should belong to.| | ||
- | | **Link** | This window contains the URL of the survey. The set parameters are encoded in the URL thus when the parameters are changed the URL is automatically updated. When done, copy (or save) and use this link to reference the survey.| | ||
- | ===== Survey properties ===== | ||
- | |||
- | The //Survey parameters// section is only displayed for //Placement test// surveys (and not for the other types). | ||
- | |||
- | The Properties section has the following fields: | ||
- | |||
- | ^Field^Description^ | ||
- | |**Course type** |Course type of the placement test| | ||
- | |**Course subject** |Course subject of the placement test| | ||
- | |**Max. level** |The student's level if all answers are filled in with maximum score| | ||
- | |||
- | The placement test is automatically evaluated and the reached level is automatically assigned to the test. The reached level can be calculated in 2 ways: a) either the //Max. level// parameter is defined (see above) or the //Scores list// is filled in (this overrides the //Max. level// setting). If the //Max. level// property is used then the levels are evenly assigned between the initial and the //Max. level// according to the score (the score difference between adjacent levels is the same). Using the Scores list the score for each level can be set individually. | ||
- | |||
- | ^Field^Description^ | ||
- | |**Start score** |Inclusive start score for the level| | ||
- | |**End score** |Exclusive end score for the level (should be the same as the start score of the next level)| | ||
- | |**Level** |Level reached if score is more or equal to the //Start score// and less than the //End score//.| | ||
- | ===== Pages and Questions list ===== | ||
- | |||
- | ==== Pages ==== | ||
- | |||
- | Surveys are divided into Pages to structure the survey. Pages have different representations depending on where the survey is used: a)students can browse through the pages using the //Continue// and //Back// buttons and only see one page at a time while b) the school staff sees the pages as collapsible sections. | ||
- | |||
- | A new page can be added using the {{:add.png?nolink}} //New page// button and a page can be removed by the {{:window_close.png?nolink}} button in the top question's window header. Pages can be reordered using drag-drop. | ||
- | |||
- | The page's title and description can be specified using the [[#translations_window|Translations window]] after clicking on these items. It is valid to define no title or description and then none is displayed. | ||
- | |||
- | ==== Questions ==== | ||
- | |||
- | A page can contain several //questions//. //Questions// are numbered automatically. | ||
- | |||
- | A new question can be added using the {{:add.png?nolink}} //New question// button and removed using {{:remove.png?nolink}} //Remove question//. Questions can be reordered or moved to an other page using drag-drop. | ||
- | |||
- | The question text can be specified using the [[#translations_window|Translations window]] after clicking on the question. It is valid to define no translation for the question and then no text is displayed just the question number. | ||
- | |||
- | A question's text can be formatted using HTML elements (like wrap your text between **<b> your text </b>** for bold, //<i> your text </i>// for italic and __<u> your text </u>__ for underlined format. | ||
- | ===== Answers list ===== | ||
- | |||
- | The Answers list contains the answers to a question. The Answers list is updated when a question is selected. More answer types can belong to a question (for example a //rating type// Scale and a Comments //text field//. | ||
- | |||
- | Each //Answer// appears in a separate window within the //Answers list//. Add a new answer using the {{:add.png?nolink}} //New answer// button and then select the answer type from the menu. Remove an answer using the {{:window_close.png?nolink}} button in the answer's window header. Answers can be reordered using drag-drop. | ||
- | |||
- | The answer's label can be specified using the [[#translations_window|Translations window]] after clicking on these items. It is valid to define no label then none is displayed. | ||
- | |||
- | Choose from the following answer types: [[#multiple_choice|multiple choice]], [[#combo_box|combo box]], [[#checkbox|checkbox]], [[#free_text|free text]], [[#rating|rating]], [[#fill-in-the-gap|fill-in-the-gap]], [[#image|image]] or [[#video|video]]. | ||
- | |||
- | Most of the answer types have a maximum score property except for [[#image|image]] and [[#video|video]]. The maximum score of the survey is calculated from the sum of the maximum scores of the answers. The maximum score of the answers can be different, which allows to give certain answers more or less weight in the total score. | ||
- | |||
- | Values entered in the forms of the answer types are saved automatically. | ||
- | ==== Multiple choice ==== | ||
- | |||
- | You can define multiple choice options using this answer type. | ||
- | |||
- | Any number of options can be added using the {{:add.png?nolink}} //New option// button, edited using {{:edit.png?nolink}} and removed using {{:remove.png?nolink}} //Remove option//. Options can be reordered using drag-drop. | ||
- | |||
- | Options have the following properties: | ||
- | |||
- | ^Name^Description^ | ||
- | |**Title** |[[en:intro:glossary#multilingual_names|Multilingual title]] of the option that can be translated in the [[#translations_window|Translations window]].| | ||
- | |**Value** |Number indicating the score for the option. Often the correct option has a value of 1 and the other options a value of 0.| | ||
- | |**Default** |Optional value. The default option is automatically selected when presented to the user.| | ||
- | |||
- | The user will be able to choose only one option. Each option has a Value property, which can be any number so there can be more good answers. The maximum score to the answer is the greatest option //Value//. | ||
- | |||
- | ==== Combo box ==== | ||
- | |||
- | //Combo box// answer types work the same way as //Multiple choices// only the answers are presented in a different way: instead of multiple select items they are displayed in a drop down list. The advantage is that it requires less space on the screen but the disadvantage is that not all options are visible immediately. | ||
- | ==== Checkbox ==== | ||
- | |||
- | //Checkboxes// are used for yes or no type answers. Specify the //Unchecked value// and the //Checked value// for its two states. The maximum of these two Values will be the maximum score for this answer. | ||
- | ==== Free text ==== | ||
- | |||
- | You can define //free text// answers using this type. Set the Type of the text, which can be a) a Number, b) a Text (one line) or c) Long text (multiple lines). | ||
- | |||
- | Define the //Max. value// for the answer. The score for free text answers is not calculated automatically. The must be assigned by a user of the system (like the teacher checking the online placement test). | ||
- | |||
- | The //Max. value// can also be set to 0, which means that the answer will not be part of the score. This can be used for comments in feedback requests for example. | ||
- | ==== Rating ==== | ||
- | |||
- | Define //ratings// using this type, which is represented by a scale. Ratings have the following parameters: | ||
- | |||
- | ^Parameters^Description^ | ||
- | |**Min. value** |Value of the leftmost selection. This value is the value selected by default.| | ||
- | |**Max. value** |Value of the rightmost selection.| | ||
- | |**Number of values** |Number of selectable values incl. leftmost and rightmost selections.| | ||
- | |||
- | The maximum score for this answer is equal to the the //Max. value//. | ||
- | |||
- | If the //Min. value// is set 0 and the person filling in the survey leaves it at 0 then the answer is not counted in the overall survey result. | ||
- | ==== Fill-in-the-gap ==== | ||
- | |||
- | Using this answer you can present a text to the person filling in the survey, which contains missing fields that the person needs to enter. There are 2 types of missing fields: a) a textbox where the person must type in the missing value and b) a list from which the person must select the missing value. | ||
- | |||
- | Two define this answer type type in your text and insert missing fields at the current cursor position using the {{:add_text.png?nolink}} //New textbox// and {{:add_select.png?nolink}} //New list// buttons. | ||
- | |||
- | === Insert missing text field === | ||
- | |||
- | After clicking on {{:add_text.png?nolink}} //New textbox// the //Correct answer// window appears where you can define the missing field that will be inserted. Its parameters are the following: | ||
- | |||
- | |||
- | |||
- | ==== Image ==== | ||
- | ==== Video ==== | ||
- | |||
- | ===== Translations window ===== | ||
- | |||
- | |||
- | ===== Válaszok ===== | ||
- | |||
- | A Válaszablakban az egy adott kérdésre adott válaszok vannak. Nyolc fajta választípus van: | ||
- | * {{:staff:settings:valaszto.png?nolink}} választó | ||
- | * {{:staff:settings:legordulo.png?nolink}} legördülő lista | ||
- | * {{:staff:settings:jelolo.png?nolink}} jelölő négyzet | ||
- | * {{:staff:settings:szoveg.png?nolink}} szöveg | ||
- | * {{:staff:settings:ertekeles.png?nolink}} értékelés | ||
- | * {{:staff:settings:kitolto.png?nolink}} kitöltő | ||
- | * {{:staff:settings:kep.png?nolink}} kép | ||
- | * {{:staff:settings:video.png?nolink}} videó | ||
- | Egy kérdéshez több választípust is lehet definiálni, pl. egy visszajelzésnél választhat a válaszadó egy érték közül (értékelés) és szövegesen is leírhatja a megjegyzéseit (szöveg). | ||
- | Az egyes választípusokat a fejlécbeli gombokkal lehet létrehozni. Húzással átrendezhető a sorrendjük, a fejléc jobb felső sarkában lévő {{:staff:options:close.png?nolink}} lehet törölni.\\ | ||
- | |||
- | ==== Választó ==== | ||
- | A választható feleleteket lehet megadni, a válaszadó csak egyet jelölhet meg. | ||
- | * {{:staff:options:add.png?nolink}} és {{:staff:options:remove.png?nolink}} gombbal lehet létrehozni és törölni, a Fordítás ablakban fordítani több nyelvre. | ||
- | * Meg lehet adni, hogyha a kitöltő az adott feleletet választja, akkor milyen értékkel számoljon a rendszer. A maximálisan adható pontszám a kérdésre adható válaszok közül a legnagyobb. Ha például egy választási lehetőségre 2 pontot lehet kapni, de a legnagyobbra 4-et, akkor a válasz 50%-os. Ezzel szabályozható az is, hogy egy-egy kérdés milyen nehézségűnek számít, milyen súllyal szerepeljen az eredményben. | ||
- | * Alapértelmezett: az egyik választási lehetőség lehet ez, nem kötelező beállítani és akkor alapértelmezésben egyik sem lesz kijelölve.\\ | ||
- | |||
- | ==== Legördülő lista ==== | ||
- | A választható feleleteket lehet megadni, amelyek egy legördülő listából hívhatóak elő, a válaszadó csak egyet jelölhet meg. | ||
- | Az új válasz megadásával egy 'Névtelen legördülő lista' jön létre - ezt a fordítás ablakban át lehet nevezni opcionálisan. | ||
- | * {{:staff:options:add.png?nolink}} és {{:staff:options:remove.png?nolink}} gombbal lehet létrehozni és törölni új lista elemet, a Fordítás ablakban fordítani több nyelvre. | ||
- | * Meg lehet adni, hogyha a kitöltő az adott feleletet választja, akkor milyen értékkel számoljon a rendszer. A maximálisan adható pontszám a kérdésre adható válaszok közül a legnagyobb. Ha például egy választási lehetőségre 2 pontot lehet kapni, de a legnagyobbra 4-et, akkor a válasz 50%-os. Ezzel szabályozható az is, hogy egy-egy kérdés milyen nehézségűnek számít, milyen súllyal szerepeljen az eredményben. | ||
- | * Alapértelmezett: az egyik választási lehetőség lehet ez, nem kötelező beállítani és akkor alapértelmezésben egyik sem lesz kijelölve.\\ | ||
- | |||
- | ==== Jelölő négyzet ==== | ||
- | Választható feleleteket lehet megadni, a válaszadó többet is megjelölhet helyesként. | ||
- | Az új válasz megadásával egy {{:staff:settings:jelolo.png?nolink}}Névtelen jelölőnégyzet jön létre - ezt a sort a fordítás ablakban lehet átnevezni a megadott válaszra. | ||
- | * Meg lehet adni, hogyha a kitöltő az adott feleletet választja, akkor milyen értékkel számoljon a rendszer. A válasz kijelöletlen és a kijelölt értékét is meg lehet határozni (érdemes az egyiknél 0-át megadni).\\ | ||
- | |||
- | |||
- | ==== Szöveg ==== | ||
- | Válaszlehetőségként szabadon szerkeszthető szöveget lehet beírni egy szövegdobozba. | ||
- | * Meg lehet adni maximálisan mekkora pontszámot kaphat a feladatra kiértékeléskor a kitöltő. A tényleges pontszámot a kiértékeléskor manuálisan tudja megadni a kiértékelést végző személy.\\ | ||
- | |||
- | ==== Értékelés ==== | ||
- | A választ egy csúszkán lehet megadni, ahol a legkisebb érték a bal, a legnagyobb érték a jobb szélen van. | ||
- | |||
- | **Min. value:** a legkisebb érték, amit lehet adni.\\ | ||
- | **Max. value:** a legnagyobb érték, amit lehet adni.\\ | ||
- | **Értékek száma:** a csúszkán választható értékek száma.\\ | ||
- | |||
- | ==== Kitöltő ==== | ||
- | Egy szöveget lehet létrehozni, amelyben hiányzó, kitöltendő részek vannak elhelyezve. | ||
- | Kétfajta kitölthető mező van: | ||
- | * Szövegmező: akkor helyes, ha a kitöltő pont azt a szöveget írja be, ami a szövegmező paramétereként meg van adva. | ||
- | * Lista: akkor helyes, ha a kitöltő a mező értékének a helyes listaértéket választja ki. | ||
- | |||
- | Az új szövegmező és az {{:staff:options:add.png?nolink}}Új lista gombra kattintva lehet beszúrni kitöltendő mezőt a szövegbe az aktuális pozíció után. A beszúrt mezőt lehet a szövegből később a szokásos módon törölni, ha nincs rá szükség.\\ | ||
- | |||
- | ^Mező ^Leírás^ | ||
- | |**Új szövegmező ablak:** |{{:staff:options:add.png?nolink}} {{:staff:options:remove.png?nolink}} gombbal lehet új értéket felvinni és törölni.| | ||
- | |**Érték:** | A helyes érték, amit a kitöltőnek be kell írnia.| | ||
- | |**Eredmény:** |Pontszám, amit a kitöltő kap, ha a helyes szöveget írja be.| \\ | ||
- | |||
- | ^Mező ^Leírás^ | ||
- | |**Új lista ablak:**| {{:staff:options:add.png?nolink}} {{:staff:options:remove.png?nolink}} gombbal lehet új értéket felvinni és törölni.| | ||
- | |**Választási lehetőség:** |Az az érték, ami a listában megjelenik, itt nincs alapértelmezett érték.| | ||
- | |**Érték:** | az a pontszám, amit az érték kiválasztása esetén kap a kitöltő. A maximális pontszám a választási lehetőségek maximális értéke.| | ||
- | |||
- | ==== Kép ==== | ||
- | A kérdőívbe így lehet képet beilleszteni egy adott kérdés alá. Az új válasz megadásával egy {{:staff:settings:kep.png?nolink}} Névtelen Kép sor jön létre - ezt a sort a fordítás ablakban lehet opcionálisan átnevezni. | ||
- | * A Hivatkozás mezőbe a kép URL címét kell bemásolni, http kezdettel. | ||
- | * A Szélesség/Magasság mezőben a kép méretét lehet megadni pixelben. | ||
- | * A kép alá még különböző választípusokat lehet hozzáadni opcionálisan. | ||
- | |||
- | ==== Videó ==== | ||
- | A kérdőívbe így lehet videót beilleszteni egy adott kérdés alá. Az új válasz megadásával egy {{:staff:settings:video.png?}} Névtelen Videó sor jön létre - ezt a sort a fordítás ablakban lehet opcionálisan átnevezni. | ||
- | * A Hivatkozás mezőbe a videó URL címét kell bemásolni, http kezdettel. | ||
- | * A Szélesség/Magasság mezőben a videó méretét lehet megadni pixelben. | ||
- | * A videó alá még különböző választípusokat lehet hozzáadni opcionálisan. | ||