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en:staff:settings:surveys:pages_and_questions_list [2021/05/21 14:06]
balazs created
en:staff:settings:surveys:pages_and_questions_list [2021/05/21 14:17] (current)
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 A new page can be added using the {{:​add.png?​nolink}} //New page// button and a page can be removed by the {{:​window_close.png?​nolink}} button in the top question'​s window header. Pages can be reordered using drag-drop. ​ A new page can be added using the {{:​add.png?​nolink}} //New page// button and a page can be removed by the {{:​window_close.png?​nolink}} button in the top question'​s window header. Pages can be reordered using drag-drop. ​
-The page's title and description can be specified using the [[#translations_window|Translations window]] after clicking on these items. It is valid to define no title or description and then none is displayed.+The page's title and description can be specified using the [[:​en:​staff:​settings:​surveys:​translations_window|Translations window]] after clicking on these items. It is valid to define no title or description and then none is displayed.
 ===== Questions ===== ===== Questions =====
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 A new question can be added using the {{:​add.png?​nolink}} //New question// button and removed using {{:​remove.png?​nolink}} //Remove question//. Questions can be reordered or moved to an other page using drag-drop. A new question can be added using the {{:​add.png?​nolink}} //New question// button and removed using {{:​remove.png?​nolink}} //Remove question//. Questions can be reordered or moved to an other page using drag-drop.
-The question text can be specified using the [[#translations_window|Translations window]] after clicking on the question. It is valid to define no translation for the question and then no text is displayed just the question number. ​+The question text can be specified using the [[:​en:​staff:​settings:​surveys:​translations_window|Translations window]] after clicking on the question. It is valid to define no translation for the question and then no text is displayed just the question number. ​
 A question'​s text can be formatted using HTML elements (like wrap your text between **<b> your text </​b>​** for bold, //<i> your text </​i>//​ for italic and __<u> your text </​u>​__ for underlined format. A question'​s text can be formatted using HTML elements (like wrap your text between **<b> your text </​b>​** for bold, //<i> your text </​i>//​ for italic and __<u> your text </​u>​__ for underlined format.
en/staff/settings/surveys/pages_and_questions_list.1621598792.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2021/05/21 14:06 by balazs