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en:staff:settings:payment_terms [2021/04/27 11:52]
en:staff:settings:payment_terms [2021/05/23 15:47] (current)
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-===== Payment terms =====+[[:​en:​start|Start]] | [[:​en:​staff:​start|School staff]] | [[en:​staff:​settings:​start|Settings]] | Finance | Payment terms 
 +====== Payment terms ======
 In the //Payment terms// window you can define your payment methods and payment terms. In the //Payment terms// window you can define your payment methods and payment terms.
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 ^Field  ​               ^Description ^ ^Field  ​               ^Description ^
 |**Name** ​               |[[en:​intro:​glossary#​multilingual_names|Multilingual name]] of the payment term (like Bank transfer (15 days))| |**Name** ​               |[[en:​intro:​glossary#​multilingual_names|Multilingual name]] of the payment term (like Bank transfer (15 days))|
-|**due in Days** |The number of days that the system adds to the issue date to calculate the due date when creating a new invoice. This value is usually required for bank transfers.|+|**Due in Days** |The number of days that the system adds to the issue date to calculate the due date when creating a new invoice. This value is usually required for bank transfers.|
 Use the {{:​add.png?​nolink}} {{:​edit.png?​nolink}} {{:​remove.png?​nolink}} {{:​save.png?​nolink}} ​ {{:​refresh.png?​nolink}} buttons to [[en:​intro:​ui#​list_editing|edit the data in the list]]. Use the {{:​add.png?​nolink}} {{:​edit.png?​nolink}} {{:​remove.png?​nolink}} {{:​save.png?​nolink}} ​ {{:​refresh.png?​nolink}} buttons to [[en:​intro:​ui#​list_editing|edit the data in the list]].
en/staff/settings/payment_terms.1619517161.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/04/27 11:52 by balazs