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en:staff:settings:disadvantages [2021/05/23 15:38]
en:staff:settings:disadvantages [2021/05/23 15:51] (current)
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 [[:​en:​start|Start]] | [[:​en:​staff:​start|School staff]] | [[en:​staff:​settings:​start|Settings]] | Students | Disadvantages [[:​en:​start|Start]] | [[:​en:​staff:​start|School staff]] | [[en:​staff:​settings:​start|Settings]] | Students | Disadvantages
-===== Disadvantages =====+====== Disadvantages ​======
 Disadvantage is a parameter of the students, which indicates some sort of status - that makes for example students eligible for subsidies (like age, unemployed, etc). In the //​Disadvantages//​ window you specify various options, which can be chosen from. Disadvantage is a parameter of the students, which indicates some sort of status - that makes for example students eligible for subsidies (like age, unemployed, etc). In the //​Disadvantages//​ window you specify various options, which can be chosen from.
en/staff/settings/disadvantages.1621777108.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2021/05/23 15:38 by balazs