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en:staff:settings:breaks [2021/04/26 09:08]
en:staff:settings:breaks [2021/05/23 15:41] (current)
Line 1: Line 1:
-===== Course breaks =====+[[:​en:​start|Start]] | [[:​en:​staff:​start|School staff]] | [[en:​staff:​settings:​start|Settings]] | Courses | Breaks 
 +====== Course breaks ​======
 In the //Breaks// window, you can specify school-level breaks that apply to all courses. [[en:​staff:​courses:​breaks|Course-specific breaks]] can be specified for courses. In the //Breaks// window, you can specify school-level breaks that apply to all courses. [[en:​staff:​courses:​breaks|Course-specific breaks]] can be specified for courses.
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 |**End date**  ​   |Last day of the break| |**End date**  ​   |Last day of the break|
-A new break can be added by clicking on the {{:​add.png?​nolink}} ​button, an existing break can be updated using {{:staff:​options:​btn_edit.png?​nolink}} ​or by double-clicking the row. With the {{:​remove.png?​nolink}} ​button a break can be removed. Use the {{staff:options:​btn_save.png?​nolink}} ​button or click anywhere next to the edited row to save it. The list can be reloaded using the {{:​refresh.png?​nolink}} ​button.+Use the {{:​add.png?​nolink}} {{:edit.png?​nolink}} {{:​remove.png?​nolink}} {{:save.png?​nolink}} ​ {{:​refresh.png?​nolink}} ​buttons to [[en:​intro:​ui#​list_editing|edit the data in the list]].
en/staff/settings/breaks.1619420925.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/04/26 09:08 by balazs