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The following diagram illustrates the main elements of the SchoolDrive user interface:
On the left are the tabs: Courses and Settings.
Tabs can be reordered using drag-drop, closed or reopened with the button next to the tabs.
Clicking on the tab will display the information on the tab. Depending on the content, there may be sub-pages to the right that further break down the content.
The content is arranged from left to right: often there is a list on the left with a properties section below the list. Information related to the data on the left is displayed in the windows on the right.
In the list header, clicking on the button opens the menu where new columns can be displayed, the list can be soted or grouped:
Lists can be edited using the editing buttons
that are either located in the window header or in the toolbar under the list. A new row can be added by clicking on
. An existing row can be edited by clicking on
or removed using the
button. Changes to a row can be saved with
or by clicking somewhere next to the edited row.
button is used to reload the list.
Clicking on the icon on the left of a list row (if available) displays detailed information related to the list row.
Some names in lists can be defined in multiple languages:
Click on the button on the left site of the row to open the translation sub-list. Use
to add the translation for another language. After setting the language, the translation of the item can be entered. To edit a translation, use the
button and
to remove a row.
can be used to save the row being edited.
Errors are indicated by the icon. Moving the mouse over the icon display the error message.
Clicking on the button in the upper right corner will take you to Clicking on
opens the forum (