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en:coursesabroad:settings:profile [2024/02/23 10:18]
balazs removed
— (current)
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-====== Personal Profile Settings ====== 
-The following fields can be entered in the Personal Profile window: 
-|Email ​            |The email address used for login and for sending emails. Email addresses are case sensitive when used for login.| 
-|Email personal |The personal name before the email address in emails. In mail clients, this is displayed and not the email address if it is filled in.| 
-|Password, Password repeat|Password used for login. Needs to specified two times and the password only changes if the two fields contain the same value.| 
-|Nickname|The name the system uses to refer to you.| 
-|User interface|User interface language. The page reloads after this setting is changed.|\\ 
-The contents of the window is being saved automatically thus no explicit action is required for saving. 
en/coursesabroad/settings/profile.1708679929.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2024/02/23 10:18 by balazs