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en:coursesabroad:settings:locations [2024/02/23 10:19]
balazs removed
— (current)
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-====== School Location Settings ====== 
-List of locations where course providers organize their courses (adult courses and junior courses alike). The list has the following fields: 
-|Location name|If a centre is a Junior centre, please add (Junior centre) to the name (both the long and short ones)| 
-|Short name|The short name is used in the system to save space. Please make sure that also the agency will be able to recognise the name when working with it.| 
-|Adress|Street,​ No, Zip, City Country| 
-|Map web address|Google map link to each location. This will appear on the agent'​s website| 
-|Active|Whether the location is still active| 
-Use the list editing buttons {{:​add.png?​nolink}} {{:​staff:​options:​btn_edit.png?​nolink}} {{:​staff:​options:​btn_save.png?​nolink}} {{:​remove.png?​nolink}} {{:​refresh.png?​nolink}} to [[en:​coursesabroad:​settings:​ui#​list editing|add new locations or to update existing data]]. 
-The following video shows how to enter school locations: 
en/coursesabroad/settings/locations.1708679952.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2024/02/23 10:19 by balazs