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en:coursesabroad:courses:fees [2024/02/23 10:18]
balazs removed
— (current)
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-====== Course Fees ====== 
-Fee options for the course that students can choose from during application. The fee can include the price of the accommodation and it can be indicated here, which accommodation is included. 
-The Course fee window is not available for Template courses because their fee can be specified in the [[en:​coursesabroad:​courses:​schedule#​list editing|Schedule window]]. 
-|Fee|Fee of the accommodation for the duration of the course. If the currency is not set the locale'​s default currency is assumed.| 
-|Incl. accommodation|The accommodation that is included in the price.| 
-|Currency|Currency of the fee. This field is initially hidden.| 
-Use the list editing buttons {{:​add.png?​nolink}} {{:​staff:​options:​btn_edit.png?​nolink}} {{:​staff:​options:​btn_save.png?​nolink}} {{:​remove.png?​nolink}} {{:​refresh.png?​nolink}} to [[en:​coursesabroad:​settings:​ui#​list editing|add new fee options or to update existing data]]. 
en/coursesabroad/courses/fees.1708679912.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2024/02/23 10:18 by balazs