[[:en:start|Start]] | [[:en:staff:start|School staff]] | [[en:staff:settings:start|Settings]] | Finance | VAT ====== VAT ====== In the //VAT// window you can define the VAT (value added tax) values that your school uses. VAT is a [[en:staff:settings:locales|locale]] specific parameter of product and invoice rows. VAT has the following parameters: ^Field ^Description ^ |**Name** |[[en:intro:glossary#multilingual_names|Multilingual short name]] of the VAT value. This title is displayed in the header of the invoice rows.| |**Description** |[[en:intro:glossary#multilingual_names|Multilingual description]] of the VAT value. This title is displayed in the VAT summary section of the invoice rows.| |**Value** |Decimal value between 0 and 1.| |**Code** |Locale of the VAT. Different countries have different VAT values.| |**Active** |Checked if the VAT value is still valid.| Use the {{:add.png?nolink}} {{:edit.png?nolink}} {{:remove.png?nolink}} {{:save.png?nolink}} {{:refresh.png?nolink}} buttons to [[en:intro:ui#list_editing|edit the data in the list]].