====== Templates list ====== The Templates list contains the school's templates grouped by their [[#template_types|Type]]. They have the following fields: ^Field^Description^ |**Name** |Name of the template. If a template has more translations then their //Name// needs to be the same and the language should be set in the //Language// field.| |**Subject** |The subject field of email templates. This is only editable for email template types.| |**Visible to teachers** |Whether the teachers can also view the documents generated from this template. This can be set for some template types only.| |**Language** |Language of the template.\\ Multiple templates can have the same name if their language property is different. When a document with a selected template name is printed then the system looks for a translation that matches the language required (for example communication language of the student whose contract is printed). The system first looks if there is a template with that language and if none is found then it prints the template where the language is not set.\\ So it is a good practice to have a template translation where the language is not set and this will be printed if no other matching is found.| |**Archive** |{{:page_edit.png?nolink}} {{:upload.png?nolink}} {{:download.png?nolink}} buttons to manipulate the template's contents. {{:download.png?nolink}} is only shown when the template's contents was already edited.| Use the {{:add.png?nolink}} {{:edit.png?nolink}} {{:remove.png?nolink}} {{:save.png?nolink}} {{:refresh.png?nolink}} buttons in the header to [[en:intro:ui#list_editing|edit the data in the list]]. Before creating a new template select the [[:en:staff:settings:templates:types|Template type]] folder or a template within the folder. Use the {{:duplicate.png?nolink}} //Duplicate// button and the {{:view.png?nolink}} //Preview// button in the header to duplicate and preview the selected template. Use {{:page_edit.png?nolink}} to edit the selected template, {{:upload.png?nolink}} to upload its contents from a saved file and {{:download.png?nolink}} to save its contents to an external file ([[:en:staff:settings:templates:editing|read here more about template editing]]). __Note:__ It is not guaranteed that template contents, which was uploaded from an external file that was not saved from the system previously will be displayed correctly.