====== Pages and Questions list ====== ===== Pages ===== Surveys are divided into Pages to structure the survey. Pages have different representations depending on where the survey is used: a)students can browse through the pages using the //Continue// and //Back// buttons and only see one page at a time while b) the school staff sees the pages as collapsible sections. A new page can be added using the {{:add.png?nolink}} //New page// button and a page can be removed by the {{:window_close.png?nolink}} button in the top question's window header. Pages can be reordered using drag-drop. The page's title and description can be specified using the [[:en:staff:settings:surveys:translations_window|Translations window]] after clicking on these items. It is valid to define no title or description and then none is displayed. ===== Questions ===== A page can contain several //questions//. //Questions// are numbered automatically. A new question can be added using the {{:add.png?nolink}} //New question// button and removed using {{:remove.png?nolink}} //Remove question//. Questions can be reordered or moved to an other page using drag-drop. The question text can be specified using the [[:en:staff:settings:surveys:translations_window|Translations window]] after clicking on the question. It is valid to define no translation for the question and then no text is displayed just the question number. A question's text can be formatted using HTML elements (like wrap your text between ** your text ** for bold, // your text // for italic and __ your text __ for underlined format.