====== Answers list ====== The Answers list contains the answers to a question. The Answers list is updated when a question is selected. More answer types can belong to a question (for example a //rating type// Scale and a Comments //text field//. Each //Answer// appears in a separate window within the //Answers list//. Add a new answer using the {{:add.png?nolink}} //New answer// button and then select the answer type from the menu. Remove an answer using the {{:window_close.png?nolink}} button in the answer's window header. Answers can be reordered using drag-drop. The answer's label can be specified using the [[:en:staff:settings:surveys:translations_window|Translations window]] after clicking on these items. It is valid to define no label then none is displayed. Choose from the following answer types: [[#multiple_choice|multiple choice]], [[#combo_box|combo box]], [[#checkbox|checkbox]], [[#free_text|free text]], [[#rating|rating]], [[#fill-in-the-gap|fill-in-the-gap]], [[#image|image]] or [[#video|video]]. Most of the answer types have a maximum score property except for [[#image|image]] and [[#video|video]]. The maximum score of the survey is calculated from the sum of the maximum scores of the answers. The maximum score of the answers can be different, which allows to give certain answers more or less weight in the total score. Values entered in the forms of the answer types are saved automatically. ===== Multiple choice ===== You can define multiple choice options using this answer type. Any number of options can be added using the {{:add.png?nolink}} //New option// button, edited using {{:edit.png?nolink}} and removed using {{:remove.png?nolink}} //Remove option//. Options can be reordered using drag-drop. Options have the following properties: ^Name^Description^ |**Title** |[[en:intro:glossary#multilingual_names|Multilingual title]] of the option that can be translated in the [[:en:staff:settings:surveys:translations_window|Translations window]].| |**Value** |Number indicating the score for the option. Often the correct option has a value of 1 and the other options a value of 0.| |**Default** |Optional value. The default option is automatically selected when presented to the user.| The user will be able to choose only one option. Each option has a Value property, which can be any number so there can be more good answers. The maximum score to the answer is the greatest option //Value//. ===== Combo box ===== //Combo box// answer types work the same way as //Multiple choices// only the answers are presented in a different way: instead of multiple select items they are displayed in a drop down list. The advantage is that it requires less space on the screen but the disadvantage is that not all options are visible immediately. ===== Checkbox ===== //Checkboxes// are used for yes or no type answers. Specify the //Unchecked value// and the //Checked value// for its two states. The maximum of these two Values will be the maximum score for this answer. ===== Free text ===== You can define //free text// answers using this type. Set the Type of the text, which can be a) a Number, b) a Text (one line) or c) Long text (multiple lines). Define the //Max. value// for the answer. The score for free text answers is not calculated automatically. The must be assigned by a user of the system (like the teacher checking the online placement test). The //Max. value// can also be set to 0, which means that the answer will not be part of the score. This can be used for comments in feedback requests for example. ===== Rating ===== Define //ratings// using this type, which is represented by a scale. Ratings have the following parameters: ^Parameters^Description^ |**Min. value** |Value of the leftmost selection. This value is the value selected by default.| |**Max. value** |Value of the rightmost selection.| |**Number of values** |Number of selectable values incl. leftmost and rightmost selections.| The maximum score for this answer is equal to the the //Max. value//. If the //Min. value// is set 0 and the person filling in the survey leaves it at 0 then the answer is not counted in the overall survey result. ===== Fill-in-the-gap ===== Using this answer you can present a text to the person filling in the survey, which contains missing fields that the person needs to enter. There are 2 types of missing fields: a) a textbox where the person must type in the missing value and b) a list from which the person must select the missing value. Two define this answer type type in your text and insert missing fields at the current cursor position using the {{:add_text.png?nolink}} //New textbox// and {{:add_select.png?nolink}} //New list// buttons. An inserted missing field definition functions as a character in the text, it can be removed using text editing. ==== Insert missing text field ==== After clicking on {{:add_text.png?nolink}} //New textbox// the //Correct answer// window appears where you can define the missing field that will be inserted. Its parameters are the following: ^Parameters^Description^ |**Value** |The correct text value for the missing field. If more values are valid type them next to each other separated by %%|%% for example: //Value1%%|%%Value2//.| |**Score** |Score if the missing field is filled in correctly.| Click on the //Save// button to insert the missing field into the text. ==== Insert missing list field ==== After clicking on {{:add_select.png?nolink}} //New list// the //Correct answer// window appears with options for the missing field. Its parameters are the following: ^Parameters^Description^ |**Option** |Text option for the missing field| |**Value** |Score if this option is chosen for the the missing field.| Use the {{:add.png?nolink}} {{:edit.png?nolink}} {{:remove.png?nolink}} {{:save.png?nolink}} {{:refresh.png?nolink}} buttons on the toolbar at the bottom of the list to [[en:intro:ui#list_editing|edit the data in the list]]. Click on the //Save// button to insert the missing field into the text. ===== Image ===== Use the //Image// answer type to add an image to the question. This answer type can be used in combination with other answer types where the other answers refer to information in the image. //Image// answer types have the following properties: ^Parameters^Description^ |**Link** |URL of the image. The image needs to be uploaded to an external location where it can be linked in from.| |**Width** |Width of the image in screen pixels.| |**Height** |Height of the image in screen pixels.| ===== Video ===== //Videos// are similar to //Image answer types// with the difference that an external video is referenced instead of an image. Otherwise their parameters are the same.