[[:en:start|Start]] | [[:en:staff:start|School staff]] | [[en:staff:settings:start|Settings]] | School | Licenses ====== Licenses ====== The school's education licenses can be registered here. Licenses have a validity period and a different licenses can be applied to licensed courses and non-licensed courses. License numbers can be displayed on contracts, certificates and other documents. The system prints the license number that is valid at the time of creation of the document. ^Field ^Description^ |**Név** |Name of the license, which can be specified [[en:intro:glossary#multilingual_names|in multiple languages]].| |**Code** |License number| |**Valid from** |First day when the license was valid| |**Valid until** |First day when the license was not valid anymore| |**Licensed course** |Whether the license is applicable to licensed courses or non-licensed courses| Use the {{:add.png?nolink}} {{:edit.png?nolink}} {{:remove.png?nolink}} {{:save.png?nolink}} {{:refresh.png?nolink}} buttons to [[en:intro:ui#list_editing|edit the data in the list]].