[[:en:start|Start]] | [[:en:staff:start|School staff]] | [[en:staff:settings:start|Settings]] | Courses | Levels ====== Course levels ====== In the //Levels window// you can define the school's level system per course type. The level system is uniformly valid for all course subjects with a course type. The //Course level// fields are the following: ^Field ^Description ^ |**Course type** |Course type, choose for the predefined options.| |**Name** |[[en:intro:glossary#multilingual_names|Multilingual name]] of the course level (like A1.1, A1.2 for languages| |**Score** |A value between 0 and 640 that corresponds to the level's difficulty. The rational behind the score system is to make scores from different schools comparable and also to be able to match the levels of predefined syllabi to course levels. \\ In case of language courses the end of a specific CEFRL level cooresponds to the following values: A1=60, A2=120, B1=200, B2=360, C1=520, C2=640.| |**Active** |Checked if the course level is still active and can be selected when entering new courses for example.| Use the {{:add.png?nolink}} {{:edit.png?nolink}} {{:remove.png?nolink}} {{:save.png?nolink}} {{:refresh.png?nolink}} buttons to [[en:intro:ui#list_editing|edit the data in the list]].