====== Course Properties ====== The Course Properties form display the parameters of the course, which is selected in the course list. ===== Course editing ===== Using the buttons on top of the form it is possible to make changes to the courses. The {{:add.png?nolink||}} //New// button is to create a new course, with the {{:staff:options:btn_edit.png?nolink}} Edit button a course can be modified.\\ After {{:add.png?nolink||}} or {{:staff:options:btn_edit.png?nolink}} is pressed or the user starts editing the form the {{:save.png?nolink}} //Save// and the {{:cancel.png?nolink}} //Cancel// buttons appear and allow to save or cancel the changes made.\\ Use the {{:copy.png?nolink}} //Copy course// button to create a new course as copy of the course that is selected in the course list. The {{:remove.png?nolink}} button removes the selected course. The {{:refresh.png?nolink}} button refreshes the course list. ===== Fields description ===== The course fields are grouped into 3 sections: //General//, //Schedule// and the //Others// section. Template courses do not have a //Schedule// section on the form because their schedule is defined in the [[en:edugate:providers:courses:schedule|Schedule]] window on the right. ^Row^Description^ |Name and code|course title and your course code (if any)| |Location|Add the Location it is run at by clicking on the down arrow. If the course is run at more locations, you will need to make a copy of the course after you have entered all details and change the Location (and dates and prices if those are different). If it has not been defined previously, you can add a new location here by clicking on {{:add.png?nolink||}}.| |Cost center|Choose either //Teacher training// or //Junior course//| |Type|Choose either //Single course entry// for a single one-date course or //Course template// for a course with multiple occurrences. The schedule section is shown or hidden after making this choice and also the windows on the right change.| |Schedule|Enter the start end end date, the number of lessons and the lesson duration.| |Categories|Add one or more categories to the course. Students are able to filter the courses based on these categories during application.| |Education language|The communication language used during the course and the level required to be able to participate.| |Headcount|Number of student who can join| |Age|Min. and/or max. age requirements in order to participate| |More info|Web address with further information about the course| |Comments|Additional information targeting students|